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Craft The Leather 2016: vote your favorite collection

In conclusion of Craft The Leather 2016, it is time to determine who will win the award. Particpants, after living a week in Tuscany in the world of vegetable-tanned leather and of the Leather District, dedicated themselves to the creation of a three piece collection of personal accessories exclusively using Vegetable Tanned Leather in Tuscany. Ideas, creativity and much more in these prototypes made by a group of talented young designers from the most prestigious and innovative international fashion and design institutes.

Now, as planned, the third phase of Craft The Leather 2016, 5th international creative competition, foresees a final act: the designers’ collections are exhibited in a designated area at Lineapelle, which is being held today and up until 23rd February at Fiera Milano Rho.

Craft The Leather 2016: how to vote

The winner of Craft The Leather 2016 will be determined through three kinds of vote. The technical jury will score each collection from 1-10 for each category:

  • Design inspired by qualities intrinsic to veg-tan leather
  • Innovative use of Veg-Tan Leather
  • Excellent Aesthetics
  • Craftsmanship
  • Storytelling of the Collection/Does the Collection engage?

Visitors may vote there at Lineapelle, at Craft The Leather exhibition stand Hall 9 – R29 / S30, only filling out a voting card. This special card contains the names of particpants and their works.

People who will not be in Lineapelle can vote anyway: they only have to access to Facebook during the fair, search Genuine Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium – Official Page and there they can vote, by clicking here, just putting a like under the favorite collection.

At the end of the fair all votes will be counted and summed. In the last edition the winner was Maria Sole Ferragamo with the collection “Cutting Edge“.


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